The city of Antwerp in Belgium is the jewel in the crown of the world diamond business. It’s here the most glorious diamonds are watched over, admired, desired – and traded. It’s also the place where we find our little pieces of eternity.

Raw diamonds are divided into over 12.000 different qualities, but only the top 20 % are judged good enough for jewellery. It is from these lots we handpick the stones we fall in love with. The diamonds we reject are sent back to be cut into regular diamonds.
Every rough diamond we choose is a natural beauty. It was made by Mother Nature and we prefer to keep it that way. We don’t see imperfections, we see personality. Isn’t that what makes us who we are? Love it like it is.

The rough diamonds used in our one-of-a-kind pieces has been purchased in accordance with the Kimberley Process to ensure that all the rough diamonds are conflict free and in agreement with UN resolutions.
Furthermore, our rough diamond dealer goes beyond the Kimberley Process and is a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council that makes extra efforts and has more attention to diamond trade in accordance with human rights, social and environmental practices as well as transparent and accountable manners from the second the rough diamond appears from the mine to the moment it enters the diamond market in Antwerp, Belgium.
The diamonds being used have been purchased from legitimate sources not involved in funding conflict and in compliance with UN resolutions. The seller hereby guarantees that the diamonds are conflict free based on personal knowledge and/or written guarantees provided by the supplier of these diamonds.